This is Shadow Duke: He is handful of Bionicle parts put into one guy, totally awesome I say!
Here's dinner! Hamburger anyone?
Someone flew in for dinner to give my burger a try. I used fire ladders for the wings.
Here's another guy I made. He's an ancient dude protecting a mine somewhere on a South American continent.
Here's anther guy I made. He is out of these awesome parts that I guess were from train risers. Mom found a Lego Hobby store nearby and they have all kinds of awesome pieces for sale, most are used, so if we have a special piece we need and don't want to buy an entire Lego set for we can go to the hobby store and they usually have it.
Here's something everyone should know. It's the Bat symbol. I had it yellow throughout but decided to take out most of the yellow. I finally got a Batman minifigure, my first ever two weeks ago and I wanted to make him a bat symbol. So I did.
Ok that's all for today. I'm in the middle of a movie so I have to go.
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